Saturday, September 22, 2012

Water Leak on First Floor

Hello Expresso!

As you are probably aware we had another water leak from the Recirc line on the 1st floor.  This has been a difficult situation for the board to deal with as we have been investigating what other work we could pursue when getting into the ceiling to fix the line. 

I want to let you know the board has committed to this issue and we are going to call a impromtu meeting to decide what we are going to do, we have all the information we need to make the decision and get it fixed ASAP.

Once we understand when and how the leak is going to actually be fixed I will post the information to the blog and put up a notice so you know the post has been made.

I want to appoloize to all the people on the 1st floor who have had to put up with the leaks, wet carpet and terrible appearance.  I can promise you we have been trying to figure out the best solution.  We have been investigating options to potentially insulate the piping in the ceiling to try to prevent some of that heat rising to the second floor. 

We had good intentions but now find ourselves faced with a pressing need to fix the leak and understand we have to proceed with the work to fix the Recirc line soon. 

Thank you for your patience and more to come.

Expresso Condo Board

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