Saturday, October 22, 2016

AGM and Winter (oh my!)

Hello Expresso!

Hope everyone is well and ready for winter. Do you have your winter tires on yet?

AGM - the AGM is complete for the year.  We had a totally of 8 present and 4 via proxy. Thank you to those owners who came to learn and ask questions - the board always appreciates the attendance. The usual suspects are back on the board and we have one new addition - Hailey - welcome!

A special thank you to Lindy and Tiffany who moved onto the next chapter of their lives this year.  They both put a lot of effort into ensuring the building is maintained, safe and in good a financial state. Thanks again ladies and all the best in the future!

Overall, 2016 has been a quiet year in terms of big maintenance activities.  The year was made up of smaller projects and continuing to ensure we are secure which included replacing the garage door and improving our security system.

2017 Focus:

Offsetting the carbon tax increase costs will hit our bottom line January 2017.  Utilities are the largest line item on our operating expense and we will see an increase in electricity and natural gas costs - estimated around 5% more. We are working with Connolly to find innovative solutions to offset these costs over the long run.  There are companies like Gasonic who are retrofitting building's with LED lighting systems to help decrease the cost of electricity over the long run...something for us to consider.

Interior painting - is it that time already! It feels like we just painted.  Time for touch ups...we are targeting Spring 2017.

Decks - it is time to work with an Engineer to find out what we need to do with the decks to ensure they are safe and sound.  We anticipate replacement of some and will be working to build a plan and timeline to do this work in the most cost effective way for owners.  This could mean starting to save up now and defer the work for a couple years (if we can safely),

When is the next Reserve Fund Study? 2018

What is a Reserve Fund Study? click here to learn more

Winter is coming...

Remember to keep your doors and windows closed on those cold days to prevent issues with the heating system. Click here for a few more tips on how to prepare for winter!

Thank you, if you have any questions or concerns please let Connelly know!

Expresso Board

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hello Expresso!

Hello!  A few things are going on at the is some insight.

2016 Operating Budget

Is currently under review by the will receive a copy in February.

The Trees are getting a hair cut

The board is reviewing quotes to decide on a tree stylist to give them a trim.  We will also have the broken branch removed that is stuck in the tree on the back-west side of the building.

Winter - what winter - reminders

Please wipe your shoes on the rugs when you enter the building, it's messy out there - this will help keep the carpets clean.  If it does get cold, remember to keep your
doors and windows closed so the pipes don't freeze.

Doggy do do

Remember to pick up after your doggies.  Thank you to everyone who follows the process to have a dog in their unit.  We really appreciate it!