Sunday, August 30, 2015

Late Summer Update

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer.  The board has a few updates for you.

1. The Annual General Meeting is coming up on September 15, 7:00pm at Connelly Management Company.  You will receive your package in the mail soon.

2. The board completed a Spring walk-around and found a list of small maintenance items like painting the back fence and putting the final touches on the front stair repair.  We approved the quote this week.  You will see the contractors taking care of these items before fall.  It will be nice to spruce up the outside of the building, it's been awhile.

3. All is not lost in the front flower bed.  We are hopeful the plants rooted well before the storm.  We will prune them back this fall and look forward to seeing them thrive again next year.  We are slowly sorting out the arrangement with the landscaper to weed the front bed.

4. Fire Inspection coming up on September 24. You would have received a notice on Saturday.  Please make arrangements with Monica so we can access your unit.  We always find at least one unit that needs a repair of some sorts to ensure the alarm is working to protect the unit, occupants and building in case of fire.  Also, we are going to look at the emergency lighting, a few of the lights did not come on when he lights went out during the last storm, they will be fixed also.

5. We have heard there is increased theft in the area. Please take extra care when you are coming in and out of the building and don't let anyone in that you don't know.  We are very kind creatures but be careful when holding the door for someone you don't know...just in case.  Also it is best practice to wait till the garage door closes before driving away, to deter someone from entering.  I am guilty of not doing this but plan to do this more often.

6. Next big job at Expresso will be to assess and maintain the balconies as per the reserve fund.  This is going to be a big job.  We are going to start reviewing quotes and scope out the work.  Work will be planned as cost effective as possible and could span a couple years.  We will keep you informed as we know more.

Thanks! Enjoy the last part of summer (I hear we are going to have a long warm fall...awesome!)

Expresso Condo Board