Monday, November 4, 2013

Minutes from October Board Meeting

The winter has arrived.  Please remember to be careful when walking up the stairs at both doors, they can be slippery before the snow removal company arrives.  Also please remember to keep your windows and doors closed on cold days.  The cold air could freeze the water in the pipes and they could burst, this would be a hefty special assessment for owners if we had to fix pipes.

What's going on these days?

1.  Reno's are coming soon. Some of you may have run across the board looking at carpet and paint swatches over the last couple months.  It is great to have a couple new board members, it allowed us to do a vote to make the final selection.  It was a very close vote of 4 to 3 but we all happy with the outcome.  We are waiting for the final quote to ensure we can manage both the carpet and the painting costs and then we will put together a schedule to do this work.

What can you expect during this process? 

  • This will require access to units as certain times.  We are going to post a large calendar of events in the front lobby, post to the blog and potentially mail out notices. 
  • The painters have to open your door to paint around the door and trim. 
  • We have all decided to place rubber on the stairs from the main level to parkade.  This is a high traffic area and the carpet takes a beating,  the rubber will last longer, look great and match with the carpet and tile.
  • We are all very excited about the face lift our building is going to get.  Now the halls will look as great as our units! 
  • None of us love to make arrangements to allow the contractors into our units, it is a pain in the butt.  This will be short term pain for long term gain!

2.  Thank you for your cooperation during the Fire Alarm testing.  It was very successful and was successfully completed.  It is a very important process, we did replace fire detectors is a few units as they were not operating as efficiently as they could be.  Safety is very important and we are glad to see you are all committed to keeping our building safe from fire.  We are done for another year.

3.  An updated Reserve Fund Study is available.  Owners can request a digital copy from Connelly.

4.  We are now into the winter months and will of course be faced with the same things as most winters.  A few reminders...

  • When it gets really cold the garage door acts up, the sensor is set off by the collision of hot and cold air.  This causes the door to go up a down a few times in a row.  Not ideal, we know, but something we have to deal with.  We have had many people out to look at our garage door and everything is functioning perfectly.  This is not a isolated problem, many buildings with similar designs run into the same issue in the winter.
  • We will be reinforcing the importance of keeping the driveway clear of snow.  I don't have winter tired and it can be a frustrating event to try and get up the incline after having to stop to open the door with the key. 
Not too much else to report.  As always if you have any questions please contact Connelly directly. 

Thank you,
Expresso Condo Board