Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Property Manager


The Expresso building has a new property manager, Kyle Hughes.  Please help me welcome Kyle.  The board will be working closely with Kyle to ensure a smooth transition and continue with business as usual.

Kyle will be with us for the AGM and since he is new to the role we will be as prepared as possible to answer all of your questions.  Of course if we don't have an answer on the spot we will follow up with the information you are looking for after the meeting.  Please come prepared with any questions or concerns you have about the building.

Thank you,
Elaina Venechuk

Thursday, August 18, 2011

What's going on in Calgary??

If you haven't been to Globalfest before I highly recommend it.  The fireworks are amazing and it makes for a perfect summer night out!


The AGM is coming up fast and we will have a complete update for to as to what we have been up to the past year as well as what is on the table for the year to come.  If you have specific topics you would like us to touch on please comment to this post and I can do some prep work to ensure I am providing the information you are looking for. 

Look forward to seeing you all there.  If you are unable to make it please make sure you send in your Proxy so we still reach quorum and can run the meeting.  Also if you are interested in joining the condo board to get involved with important decisions that impact your home and investment at Expresso we would welcome you to join.

Elaina Venechuk