Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Updates from the March Board Meeting

Knock on Wood!

Hello Expresso!

I appologize for taking so long to post the updates from our last meeting, better late then never they say!  The overall tone of the meeting was very positive, our building is in good shape:)  Remeber I am providing a high level on this blog rather then the board producing a hard copy newsletter.  For detailed minutes please visit


  • Our Accounts Receivable account is the lowest it has been in a couple years!  Thank you everyone for paying your condo fees on time. 
  • To make a long story short there is a unit called a "Makeup Air Unit" in the parkade and it has been heating the parkade which is not the intention of this unit.  The board agreed heated underground parking is what we have all been enjoying and does have a positive impact on our property value.  We have approved a heating unit for the parking garage and it will be installed in the next month or so. This unit will not increase our operating budget as when it is installed the Makeup Air Unit will be running more efficiently and therefore using less energy.
  • We ALL know about the garage door situation, man could it have broke down when it was any colder!  We've had contractors looking at the problem and we are not the only building who experiences issues when the temp drops that low.  Hopefully the cold weather is over and we are are in the clear for awhile.  We totally get that when that door is open we are using a ton of energy and our belongings are exposed so we will continue to talk about how we could prevent this from happening next year, no promises, when the weather gets that cold sometimes it is out of our control.
  • All the chip repairs and painting has been completed in the stairwells and hallways.  We are very happy with the job and hope you are to! 
  • Don't know if the plastic sticky stuff on the front door bugs you as much as it bugs us but we are talking about solutions so delivery drivers don't stick them to the door and if they do the cleaning staff clean them off.
  • Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! to Jane who worked hard to get all the lock boxes removed from the gate by the front door, looks much better.  Thanks Jane!
  • Folks on the first floor are probably aware of the value leaking in the ceiling (this may be news to others).  We are talking to a contractor about how we can permently fix this problem.  Will probably require us to access the leaking value directly and fix it so it doesn't leak anymore (or at least during our life time LOL).  More to come on this, we will most likely just go ahead with the work sooner then later so we thank you in advance for your patience while this work is being done, a special thanks to all first floor folks for your patience!
  • The September 2010 Post Tension Cable Engineering Report suggested slab end restraint plates be installed at where the cables end in the concrete slab ceiling  in the parking garage.  The board discussed this suggestion in great detail and agreed this work should be done in a timely fashion.  The post tension cable construction in this building was completed extremely well when the building was being built and therefore hasn't experienced any issues to date.  We have to keep in mind post tension cables, like any other building constructing, needs maintenance.  Since we have a surplus in our Operating Budget we are in a position where we can put some money in the cable system. We are in the processes of contacting contractors to see who can complete this work.  More to come.  FYI - If you would like a copy of the Engineering Report check condopapers and if it isn't there please contact Lynda at Connolly.
  • The second floor floodlights are burned out. Arrangements have been made to replace all light bulbs, both interior high stairwell lights and exterior floodlights.
  • We are looking at options to drain the Planter Box Outside #105 better.  Currently if to much water soaks the soil in that box it is causing water issues in a unit in the building.  We are on it and determining the best, most attractive solution.
  • Do you enter the building through the west side door?  I do.  I totally understand that people like to have dogs as pets, there a lot of you who have pets in our building.  It is a bit upsetting when the large dog next door jumps up on the short fence and barks like crazy when you are walking by, freaks me out!  Also I find the tenants are slacking a bit on the poo pick up and with the warm weather it gets really smelly.  They cleaned up some of the poo so I haven't called 311 yet but I almost got my arm ripped off the other day again when I was walking up.  Is anyone else having issues with the large dog next door or the poo smell?  Please comment to this post on the blog if you are.  If the issue continues I will need to call 311, just want to make sure we are all enjoying a comfortable lifestyle living at Expresso!

Thank you and if you have any comments please keep them professional and comment on this post! Fingers crossed the snow is gone and the nice weather is here!!! 15 above on Sunday! 

Happy Spring Everyone!

The Expresso Condo Board